Build information

The build process is fully handled by cmake.


To build our application you have to use cmake to set up the project. To do this you need to follow these steps.

  1. Create a new folder in the project root (i.e. build/) that will contain the project configuration. Change into this directory.

  2. Execute

    cmake ..

    to generate all files needed for the build. When you want to collect coverage information you need to add -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON to the command.

  3. Execute

    cmake --build .

    to fire up the compiler and fully build the application.

You will then find the binary to execute in the build folder under app/sudoku-solver.


If you want to execute the tests you need to setup the project like described under Build. After that you can execute

ctest .

To run all our tests.


Doxygen, Sphinx and breathe need to be installed to generate the documentation. You have to run these commands to build the documentation:

cd doc
make html